NEPHROLOGY Nephrology is the study of kidney function, kidney problems, the treatment of kidney problems, and renal replacement therapy (dialysis and kidney transplantation).
Patients are seen by a physician specializing in nephrology for various reasons such as: acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease, hematuria, proteinuria, kidney stones, hypertension, and disorders of acid/base or electrolytes.
HYPERTENSION Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a chronic medical condition in which blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. Blood pressure is made up of two measurements, systolic and diastolic, which depend on whether the heart muscle is contracting (systole) or relaxed between beats (diastole).
Hypertension puts strain on the heart, leading to hypertensive heart disease and coronary artery disease. Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, aneurysms of the arteries, peripheral arterial disease, and chronic kidney disease.
Nephrology & Hypertension Medical Associates, P.C. is a full service, privately owned and operated practice. Since 1969, their focus and specialty has been the evaluation and treatment of patients with kidney related disease and hypertension. While services do include hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal transplant referrals, and care following transplantation, the primary goal is to provide patients and their families with the finest care to enhance health and improve the quality of life, be addressing their chronic kidney disease problems before these services are needed.
BLUFFTON/OKATIE: 16 Okatie Center Blvd. S, Suite 100, Okatie, SC 29909 (843) 706-9955
BEAUFORT/LADY’S ISLAND: 16 Kemmerlin Lane, Beaufort, SC 29907 (843) 524-2002